My third tic

My existing tics (strange throat noise and eye-twitching/nose & lip sneering) have waxed and waned over the years – in conjunction with what I have no idea. Phases of the moon perhaps, the conjunction of Mercury and Uranus. How many channels worldwide are currently showing an episode of M*A*S*H maybe. It’s a mystery (though I do know that stress levels definitely play some part).

It was a long time – about 20 years – before my final tic (oh please, please, let it be my final tic!) developed.

As with some of the others, I’m not sure if this was a tic or a compulsion, but – again, as with the others – it’s really bloody ANNOYING! This one had the added benefit of causing me physical discomfort, and making me worry about my physical condition.

Put in simple terms, I started grinding my teeth.

Put in more complicated terms: I was constantly touching specific teeth together in specific ways. The specifics changed from minute to minute, but the constant tooth-touching didn’t. My jaw started to hurt, and I began to worry about what this would do to my teeth (and my dentist bills!)

The Poking Ninja had discovered a new weapon, and he liked it!

First, I saw the dentist and told him I was grinding my teeth. I paid over 3000 SEK (a little under £300) for a mouth guard to wear at night. The problem was, of course, that this was happening during the day. As far as I knew I wasn’t doing it when I was asleep. I wore it of course, at least to start with, but it made no difference, and it’s currently relegated to a storage case in the bathroom. I try and keep it wet so that I have it in case I need it, but I suspect it was a big expense for nothing.

Then I gave in and finally booked an appointment with the doctor.

And you know what … the conversation I had with him was so mind-blowingly ridiculous, I think I’ll give it its own post.


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